ITCP 70020 / DHUM 74500 Spring 2019
ITP Core 2 – Interactive Technology and Pedagogy II: Methods and Practice
Course Info: Meets Mondays 4:15-6:15pm (see exceptions below) in room C196.06 (in the basement of the Library) at the Grad Center
Course group:
Michael Mandiberg ([email protected])
Office hours: Mondays 2-3:30pm and by appointment (contact Julie Fuller to schedule)
Office: Room 3204.09
Julie Van Peteghem ([email protected])
Office hours by appointment
Course Requirements
All students should be members of the CUNY Academic Commons and users of Twitter (where lurking is acceptable). Remember that when you register for social networking accounts, you do not have to use your full name or even your real name. One benefit of writing publicly under your real name is that you can begin to establish a public academic identity and to network with others in your field. However, keep in mind that search engines have extended the life of online work; if you are not sure that you want your work for this course to be part of your permanently searchable identity trail on the web, you should strongly consider creating an alias. Whether you engage social media under your real name or whether you construct a new online identity, please consider the ways in which social media can affect your career in both positive and negative ways.
Course Assignments
This semester we will be working on three major assignments, with continuous blogging throughout.
Exit Questions and Discussion
We’ll continue the practice established in Core I of writing reflective/response posts about the class discussion, or readings that we didn’t manage to cover in the class discussion. We will ask you to post responses to some/all of these questions by the Wednesday after class:
- What ideas would you like to discuss or research more?
- What ideas were compelling?
- Which were problematic?
- Can you explain why they were so?
- What did you understand today that could teach or explain to someone else?
Project Abstracts/Short Proposals
Your midterm assignment is to create a project proposal (or two, if you’re still deciding between projects) that has at least two scope variations: one full and one reduced version. Details on the full assignment will be presented April 1 (and due in writing April 4).
Collaboration and Assignment Design
You will collaboratively craft, with at least one student from another discipline, the scaffold for a final project in an undergraduate course that engages with one or more of the core ideas explored to this point in your ITP experience. We’ll discuss the details for this assignment in class on March 18, and the assignment plan is due on April 18.
Final Project Proposal and Proof of Concept
Your final project is to turn in a proposal for a larger project that includes a proof of concept. Your goal is to convince us that your proposal is relevant and productive AND that you can actually pull it off. The details will be discussed on April 1. You will present your projects at the end of the semester, and the written proposal will be due by May 24th.
Labs, Workshops, and Support
Course Schedule
This schedule is a living document, expect it to evolve over the course of the semester.
Assignments for 2/4 in addition to reading
- Write a group forum post with your introductory project ideas
- Write a brief bio for posting on the People page of our course site (don’t forget to categorize)
- Make sure you’re part of the course on the Commons (join on our Group page):
UNIT ONE: Preparing a Project
Topics: In this class we will explore ways of thinking through and analyzing a project before it begins, and discuss issues that can arise along the path of the project. Context: Thinking about the What, Where, When, Why and How before you begin a project. The four little B’s (build, buy, borrow, beg). Which one is the right fit for your software project? When starting any media or digital project this is often the first consideration. Do you build it yourself, buy it off the shelf, use free and open source software (borrow) or use some of the free web services out there (beg)? We will also discuss collaboration, scope creep, and minimal viable products.
“Less is more” is both an aesthetic principle of modernism and a functional spec of agile development–as well as a politically-charged phrase when applied to publicly-funded activities. Agile development has a long history. It takes its most recent, and quite popular form in Ruby on Rails, 37Signals (AKA Basecamp), and their Getting Real PDF. We will look at what it means to make less.
- Chris Stein, Contexts and Practicalities
- This post is a reading in itself and provides links to the other readings for the week. There are a lot of links and you won’t need to read through and analyze every article thoroughly. They are there to help give context, support and detail to the arguments made in the post.
- 37 Signals, Getting Real (2009). Pages 2-74 of the PDF are required, but you will find it to be a fast read and may want to read the whole thing. PDF posted in our course group under Files.
- What is Agile?
- Agile v. Waterfall
- Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto
- Miriam Posner, How did they make that?
- DiRT, a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. Note that this is also available as a plugin here on the Academic Commons — you can access the directory from our course group in the left navbar.
Topics: In this class we will continue thinking about project planning, and focus on questions that make reflect on the content, context, and structure of your project: What is the scope of your project? Who is it designed for? What are its significant properties?
- The Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap, Visual Media Workshop at the University of Pittsburgh
- Complete Section A: Project Survey
- Cameron Shaw, Watching the Sunset: An Interview with Deana Haggag, Pelican Bomb, 2018.
2/18 – NO CLASS
Topics: Taking advantage of the early semester 1+ week break, we’ll aim to do some initial thinking/writing about your proposed projects and discuss them in class. Specifics of this assignment will be posted ahead of the 2 class.
Guest speaker: Kimon Keramidas
UNIT TWO: Digital Pedagogy
Topics: This session will explore the evolving roles of technology in teaching and learning. What pedagogical opportunities does the integration of technology into the classroom make possible? What challenges does technology create for the student, the instructor, the institution? How do we understand the politics of educational technology that is both a field of inquiry and an industry? How do we locate our own values within all of this?
- Chapters 1-3 in Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado, Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education, New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2017 (posted to course group).
- Maura Smale and Jody Rosen, Open Digital Pedagogy=Critical Pedagogy, Hybrid Pedagogy, 2015.
- Joseph Ugoretz, Two Roads Diverged in a Wood: Productive Digression in Asynchronous Discussion, Innovate 1:3, 2005.
- Ryan Cordell, How not to Teach Digital Humanities, or the “more polished” version in Debates on Digital Humanities, 2016
- Thomas Harbison and Luke Waltzer, Toward Teaching the Introductory History Course, Digitally, in Jack Dougherty and Kristen Nawrotzki, eds, Writing History in the Digital Age, Ann Arbor: MI, University of Michigan Press, 2013.
- Audrey Watters, A Hippocratic Oath for Ed-Tech, January 2015
- One Feminist Online Media Mantrafesto*
- (My) Three Principles of Effective Online Pedagogy, Bill Pelz, JALN Volume 8, Issue 3, 2004, pp. 33-46 (This is 15 years old, but the core principles still apply, as a discussion forum is still a discussion forum)
Topics: Crafting purposeful assignments is one of the biggest and most persistent challenges faced by faculty, and college classrooms are rife with prompts that confuse students rather than enlighten to them to the expectations of an assignment. In this session we’ll explore what makes an assignment effective, discuss how technology fits into the process, and translate these principles to our own disciplines and contexts.
- John Bean, selections from Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom, Josey Bass, 2011. Read Chapters 1-3, available via our course group.
- Jade E. Davis, Frugal Innovation in Digital Learning, HASTAC, Aug 23, 2017.
- Karwai Pun, Dos and Don’ts on Designing for Accessibility,, 2016.
- CUNY SPS, Accessibility and Universal Design in Learning (note the resource Reasonable Accommodations, CUNY Council of Student Disability Issues)
- An Introduction to Universal Design
- Jade E. Davis, Creating a (almost) Failproof Final Project or Paper, HASTAC, Dec 12, 2014.
- Jeff Allred, Novel Hacks: New Approaches to Teaching the Novel Genre, Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, Vol. 24, No. 1-2 (Spring 2013/Summer 2013 & Fall 2013/Winter 2014), pp. 121-137
- Browse the Assignments section of JITP (Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy).
- Peruse Visible Pedagogy
- GC Teaching and Learning Center, Teach@CUNY Handbook:
- FemTechNet Key Learning Projects
Suggested: Student Project Examples
- Macaulay Seminar 2 Encyclopedia
- Year of the Flood Project and planning mural
- Students Receive Unique Learning Experience by Creating Online Journal Texas A&M Entomology Dept, 2014. A similar project at CUNY: QC Voices, Queens College
- Translating Nuova York
Topics: Debates on the access to and use of information — text, images, video, etc. — have always been important in higher education. Where do these debates stand now, and how are they manifest in different academic spaces?
- Robin DeRosa, OER: Bigger than Affordability, Inside Higher Ed, 2017.
- Regan A.R. Gurung, Open Educational Resources: What We Do Not Know, Inside Higher Ed, November 14, 2018.
- Anastasia Salter, Reasons to Open Source Your Syllabus, Prof Hacker, 2017.
- Rajiv Jhangiani , A Faculty Perspective on Open Textbooks, 2014.
- Jill Cirasella, Open Access to Scholarly Literature: Which Side Are You On?, 2013.
- Peter Suber, Open Access: Six Myths Put To Rest, The Guardian, October, 2013.
- Leslie Chan (interview), Confessions of An Open Access Advocate, 2017.
- Jessamyn West, Open, Now!, METRO Conference, 2014.
- Alexandra Juhasz, A Truly New Genre, Inside Higher Ed, 2011.
- Alexandra Juhasz, Learning from YouTube, 2011.
- Making Textbook Content Inclusive: A Focus on Religion, Gender, and Culture, UNESCO, 2017.
- Open @ CUNY
- Open-NYS
- Overview of all CUNY and SUNY OER
- Academic Works
- Creative Commons
- Public Domain and Fair Use Images for Educational Purposes
Guest speakers: Ann Fiddler and Andrew Mckinney
Topics: All successful digital projects have moved through moments of failure and frustration. Such experiences are common in the classroom as well. In this session we’ll explore how to anticipate failure and how to lower its costs.
- Mark O’Connell, The Stunning Success of “Fail Better,” Slate, 2014
- Anjali Sastry, Kara Penn, Fail Better: Design Smart Mistakes and Succeed Sooner, Harvard Business Review Press, 2014, Chapter 1 (p 15-30) (in group site)
- Alison Carr, In Support of Failure, Composition Forum, 2013.
- Sean Michael Morris, The Failure of an Online Program, Hybrid Pedagogy, 2013.
- Bonnie Stewart, How NOT To Teach Online: A Story in Two Parts, Hybrid Pedagogy, 2013.
- Failure, curated by Brian Croxall and Quinn Warnick, in Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, 2016, on the Modern Language Association’s MLA Commons.
- Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy’s Teaching Fails columns, choose and read two.
- Scott Berkun, The Myth of Innovation, lecture based on book.
- Virtual New York City,
- Peas and Carrots Playhouse,
4/1 CLASS 9: Mid-semester Projects Discussion
Project Abstracts/Short Proposals Due.
4/4/19 – Midterm assignment due (posted on our course site)
Topics: Over the past two decades universities have pursued a range of strategies to support online and blended learning. These strategies implicate interests and conflicts that go beyond the pedagogical affordances of a particular technology or approach. In this session we’ll explore some of these strategies and trace their implications.
- Pew Research Center, Digital Readiness Gaps, 2016.
- Jessamyn West, Bridging the Digital Divide, 2014.
- Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “Learning Online” in An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy (you’ll recognize Morris’s essay “The Failure of an Online Program” from two weeks ago)
- Paul Fain, Takedown of Online Education, Inside Higher Ed, January 16, 2019.
- Tressie M. Cottom, Jennifer A. Johnson, Tara M. Stamm, Julie Honnold, A Vision Among Challenges: Lessons About Online Teaching From the First Online Master’s Degree in Digital Sociology, The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology 10, January 2018.
- The Online Learning Consortium.
- On Hybridization, Baruch College Center for Teaching and Learning.
- Online Learning, resources for instructors and teachers, Hunter College Center for Online Learning.
- Chapters 4, 5 and Appendix in Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado, Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education, New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2017 (posted to course group)
- Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, Association of College & Research Libraries
- Sam Weinberg and Sarah McGrew, Lateral Reading: Reading Less and Learning More When Evaluating Digital Information, Stanford History Education Group Working Paper No. 2017-A1, 2017.
UNIT THREE: Technology and Society
Topics: Most conversations about technology and education concern how to use computers in the classroom. And while software and connectivity may enhance many courses when used appropriately, their deeper value may be in the example they provide of how different technologies influence labor, learning, interaction, and thought. What are the biases of the technologies we are using, and how can we interrogate those biases from within the environment they have created?
- Amelia Abreau, Quantify Everything: A Dream of Feminist Data Future, Model View Culture, 2014.
- Moya Z. Bailey, All the Digital Humanists are White, All the Nerds are Men, But Some of Us are Brave, Journal of Digital Humanities, 2011.
- Susana Loza, Hashtag Feminism, #Solidarity is for White Women, and the Other #FemFuture, Ada: A Journal of Gender and New Media Technology, Issue 5, 2o14.
- DN Lee, Responding to No name Life Science Blog Editor who called me out of my name Scientific American, 2013. (See also Scientific American’s Troubling Response to Its Blogger Being Called an Urban Whore, Amanda Hess, Slate, 2013.)
- Geek Feminism Timeline of Sexist Events
- Reply All Podcast, The Writing On the Wall Episode 9. January 15, 2014. (Related: Francesca Tripodi, “Yakking about college life: Examining the role of anonymous forums on community identity formation,”Digital Sociologies, eds. Jessie Daniels, Karen Gregory, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Policy Press, 2016.
- Amanda Fillipachi, Wikipedia’s Sexism Toward Female Novelists, The New York Times, April 24, 2013.
- Ayush Khanna, Nine out of ten Wikipedians continue to be men: Editor Survey, Wikimedia Blog, April 27th, 2012.
- FemTechNet: Wikistorming
4/22 – NO CLASS
- Review Benkler on Wikipedia, pages 70-74.
- Review first section of Collaborative Futures
- Joseph Reagle, Good Faith Collaboration, Chapter 1, MIT, 2010.
- Jim Giles, Special Report Internet encyclopaedias go head to head, Nature, December 15, 2005. (skim this)
- Dan Nosowitz, Meet The Climate Change Denier Who Became The Voice Of Hurricane Sandy On Wikipedia, Popular Science, November 2, 2012
- Categories for Deletion (CfD) discussion on wiki about American Women Novelists. You don’t need to read the whole thing, but try to get a sense of the process, and who the characters are and what their positions are, and how that leads to an outcome.
- WikiProject Countering systemic bias/Gender gap task force. This is a WikiProject on Wikipedia; look around – can you figure out what is going on? How active is this project?
- Michael Mandiberg, The Affective Labor of Wikipedia: GamerGate, Harassment, and Peer Production, Social Text, Feb 1, 2015.
- Alex Hern, Wikipedia bans five editors from gender-related articles, The Guardian, January 23, 2015
- Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Interactions at GGTF. This is an Arbitration Committee (ARBCOM) case that arose from inside the Gender Gap Task Force. Please don’t read all of this!! but see if you can start to see the accusations, the process, and the outcomes.
- Joe Mullin, Wikimedia Foundation employee ousted over paid editing, Ars Technica, January 9, 2014.
- Julia Jacobs, Wikipedia Isn’t Officially a Social Network. But the Harassment Can Get Ugly, New York Times, April 8, 2019
- Article for Deletion (AfD) discussion for David Horvitz’s attempt to have his Wikipedia page deleted as art.
- ThatPeskyCommoner, et al. Wikipedia:High-functioning autism and Asperger’s editors. This is an essay on Wikipedia, not an article, policy or discussion.
- Lam et al., WP:clubhouse?: an exploration of Wikipedia’s gender imbalance
- Benjamin Mako Hill, The Wikipedia Gender Gap Revisited, July 21, 2013; A summary of a paper he wrote with Aaron Shaw. Feel free to read the actual paper, if you like, but the summary is sufficient for our purposes.
- Joseph Reagle’s Wikipedia and Gendered Categories, blog post on American Women Novelists.
- Fernando Rodrigues, Mass Collaboration or Mass Amateurism, PhD Dissertation. Updates and expands on the Nature article.
- Stephen Lurie, The 36 People Who Run Wikipedia,, November 5, 2014.
- Michael Sebastian, Top PR Firms Promise They Wont Edit Clients Wikipedia Entries on the Sly, Advertising Age, June 10, 2014
- Robert Sorokanich, A Tweetbot Caught the Russian Govt Editing Flight MH17 Wikipedia Info, Gizmodo, July 18, 2014.
Th 5/2 – Collaborative assignment due
Topics: As digital technologies and the internet continue to develop and change our lives inside and outside of the classroom, conversations about approaches to research and teaching now necessarily include digital ethics. We will discuss access to digital technologies and support in using them, the implications of corporate development of digital technologies and the internet, and privacy and data transparency considerations for ourselves and our students.
- Teaching Technology: Tressie McMillan Cottom on Coding Schools and the Sociology of Social Media, Logic, 2018
- Jade E. Davis, When Social Media Assignments Increase Risks for Vulnerable Students, HASTAC, Mar 6, 2017.
- Safiya Umoja Noble, Google Search: Hyper-visibility as a Means of Rendering Black Women and Girls Invisible, InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture, 2013.
- Engine Failure: Safiya Umoja Noble and Sarah T. Roberts on the Problems of Platform Capitalism, Logic, 2018.
- Simon Parkin, The YouTube stars heading for burnout: ‘The most fun job imaginable became deeply bleak,’ The Guardian, 2018.
- Chris Gilliard, Pedagogy and the Logic of Platforms EDUCAUSE Review, 2017.
- Safia U. Noble and Sarah T. Roberts, Out of the Black Box, EDUCAUSE Review, 2017.
- Jade E. Davis, The Importance of Student Privacy in Big Data, HASTAC, November 6, 2017.
- Audrey Watters, The Weaponization of Educational Data, 2017.
- Billy Meinke, Student Data Harvested by Education Publishers: They haz more than you think, Medium, March 22, 2018.
- Digital Security in the Age of Trump,