Anthony Wheeler

Hello there! I’m Anthony, a spunky grad student in the recently born M.A. program in Digital Humanities. I earned my A.S. degree from Dutchess Community College (2016) and my B.S. degree from SUNY New Paltz (2018), both degrees being in Adolescence Education & English! It was at New Paltz that I was introduced to the digital humanities by a professor who molded a course into what would be known as “Digital Lyric.” Throughout this class, we took poetry and reworked it using technology in many different ways. Also through this class, I worked on a digital Victorian Queer Archive with Dickinson College, which really heightened my interest in how these practices could be used in different classroom settings. As a result, here I am at The Graduate Center within the Digital Humanities program, where I am focusing specifically on digital pedagogy.

I am currently one of the Program Assistants for the M.A. in Digital Humanities and M.S. in Data Analysis & Visualization, a HASTAC Scholars Fellow, and as of very recently I’ll be starting as an Adjunct Lecturer for the Humanities departmentĀ at LaGuardia Community College this coming Spring I semester. My overall goal is to transfer into a Ph.D. program upon completing my master’s degree. I’m interested in pursuing Urban Education with a specialization in Learning Sciences, where I’ll apply DH methodology to new pedagogy through technology.

ITP has been incredibly helpful in my personal goal of using technology to help bridge the gap in equity among students. Raven Gomez and I actually recently presented our own digital game project at the CUNY Games Conference 5.0, where we receivedĀ a lot of praise for our mission from both students and faculty members. Our project is aimed at first-generation college students within the community college setting. Its purpose is to act as a commentary on the importance of validating one’s identity and how we grade experiential learning within education. If you have any questions about it or are interested in playing, just ask one of us!

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